Bio-digester Installation

Cost of Bio Digester in Kenya

Are you one of the many individuals looking forward to installing a bio-digester plant in your homes? Congratulations on making such a bold decision. Installing a bio-digester in your home will not only help you save on fuel costs but conserve the environment. 

What is a Bio-Digester?

Assuming you encounter biodigester for the first time. You are probably wondering what it is and why you’d need to install the same at your home. Typically, a bio-digester refers to a structure or device used to digest organic waste to provide clean energy (burnable gas –methane). The digestion of such organic waste is aided by unique sorts of microbes and bacteria. 

The amount of burnable gas you can expect from your. Bio–digester plant depends on the amount/type of the waste and the design/size of your bio-digester plant. Some plants can produce up to 20m3 per ton of degradable debris.Although  while others will yield up to 800m3 per ton. Therefore Food leftovers, animal waste, human waste, and all sorts of biodegradable materials can be used in a bio-digester. 

Usually, our bio-digesters are closed systems, so you will never have to deal with a foul odor, flies, rodents, or other unwanted nuisance. You should, however, outsource from reliable and recognized Bio-digester installation services Kenya to make sure that your system is 100% safe.

If you go on the market today to look for Bio-digester installation services Kenya, you will come across many companies claiming to be the best. You need to stay warned since not all bio-digester installation companies in Nairobi will offer you the exact services you need.

We understand that the process of finding the best Bio-digester installation services Kenya may be hectic and overwhelming, and that’s why we at Orchid Company want to make your work a bit easier. We supply and install biological septic tanks – these tanks are designed to be incubators for microbes and bacteria. The tanks offer all the conditions necessary for the anaerobic or aerobic decomposition of organic wastes.  We install them just correctly to make sure that no emission comes from such a system. 

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